in the workshop
staying covid safe
May 10, 2020

Though technically considered an essential business, we've made the choice to keep our doors locked and fulfill online orders only. We thought you might like to know our thinking.
Since the beginning of lockdown, Sarah, Allison and I have been keeping a safe distance from the world. We closed our doors for two weeks of isolation to be sure we were not in a position to pass along anything that we might have been exposed to in the weeks leading up to the national response. We kept to ourselves, to one another, and to our partners. This little circle insured us a fairly safe distancing protocol. As we came back to work, we have kept that social circle small. Other family members who were also in a two week isolation have been added to the circle while all precautions have remained in place. This is not out of fear or an over abundance of caution, it is simple math. If one of us should get sick, we must all be quarantined for at least 21 days. Financially, we don't know if we could ever recover. Like so many of our friends and neighbors, both personally and professionally, we are on the hook for rent, utilities, food, etc. What drives us during this pandemic is not profit, and we could not be more grateful for your support. It keeps us sane.
While we cannot hide from the virus, we can be smart. Inside our walls is a clean zone. Working within our circle at 117 S 13th Street is safe. The way we now choose to interface with the public is, for the moment, keeping everyone safe. This is our way of continuing to do business while making the majority of our customers feel comfortable.
There will always be disagreements about choices. There will be disappointments. When the stay at home order is rescinded, we will still be working behind a locked door. Since the way we all shopped duross & langel before Covid19 is not going to work in the short term, our best course of action is to continue to create a safe environment until all the kinks have been worked out. When that happens, we will throw open the doors and celebrate. Until then we will do what science tells us is in everyone's best interest.
We miss you. Terribly. It gets lonely without you. You are never far from our thoughts and prayers.